Sales Support

Questions About My Purchase

What is your refund policy?
We do not issue refunds. The exception is the rare occasion when our servers are down or malfunctioning. Please be certain you are able to easily view our streaming players by checking this sample player first. Before your payment is accepted by our system you must first agree to the Terms of Use, which include your understanding that you are responsible for being able to see and hear our streaming player. We apologize, but cannot be responsible should your computer system, security firewall, or Internet connection not allow you to comfortably view our video courses.

How do I login to take the video course?
You will receive a user name and password with your purchase, along with a link to the login page. Enter these to access the course. There is a limit to the number of times you can log in. Please plan accordingly.

I forgot my password and username. Now what?
Go to the Login section of this site where you will find Forgot your password and Forgot your username links and follow the instructions.

Can I buy a DVD of the video courses?
No. By streaming the course we have gone green, eliminating traditional video packaging and the environmental impact of shipping.

I saw a space for coupon codes. What does this mean?
Codes are sometimes given to school districts or others that receive group discounts. If you have received a coupon code, this is where to enter it.

Does the video download to my computer?
No. In order to protect our copyrights, the media players allow streaming but not downloading. Unauthorized downloading, duplication or distribution of any of our content is prohibited by law.

What do you do with my data?
We do not release any personal information or sell or share any information provided to us. We take your privacy very seriously. Please see our Privacy Policy.