If you or
someone you know experienced headaches, nausea, fuzzy vision,
or burning eyes when viewing Avatar or other 3-D movies, this can be a
sign of an Eye Teaming problem. Optometrists have described the
problem as a “minor muscle imbalance” in the eyes that the brain would
adjust for on a normal basis. When viewing 3-D movies or television,
this imbalance can cause significant effort for the brain, resulting in
headaches and eye strain. The 3-D experience may not even be possible
for those who already have a depth perception problem or a "turned" eye.
According to
Consumer Reports, as many as 15% of people are
uncomfortable viewing 3-D media. The attention to this issue is helping
more people to learn about Eye Teaming problems that can cause the same
headaches, nausea, fuzzy vision, or burning eyes when reading or doing
other near-point work. The Vision and Learning course series covers Eye
Teaming, how to recognize and screen for a problem, and what you can do
about it.